The True Cost

One of 2015’s most important films was The True Cost, showing, literally, the true cost of the fashion industry. It shows an industry that is the second most polluting industry on earth, second only to the oil industry. It shows an industry where the impact on natural resources isn’t even measured. And it shows an industry where people are being killed due to lack of rights and safety.

Before seeing the film I had already made the decision that I was going to be more conscious with the fashion purchases I was making, but The True Cost really brought it home. Initially I felt like I didn’t want to buy any clothes ever again, but I appreciate that isn’t quite the solution either, as the fashion industry creates job opportunities and helps to grow the world’s economy. But as consumers we can definitely make more conscious / ethical / sustainable choices. The film highlights great slow fashion brands such as People Tree that are made with fair conditions and sustainable materials.

People Tree is, thankfully, only one example of brands doing things differently – keep following the blog for more examples and further inspiration of how to be a more conscious consumer.

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