Sustainable footwear that last over time

I’ve stayed away from the January sales as part of my aim this year to not shop much. But I’ve got a list (within my conscious consumption guide for 2019) of things I want to add to my wardrobe so I keep an eye for these things and the aim is to stick to the list and avoid impulse purchases.

Winter boots have been on the list since last winter (or actually pretty much since I returned to Sweden and realised I needed to update my footwear to survive the cold Swedish winters). As per my guide to consume consciously (and less), I’ve been looking for a well-made, quality shoe in a classic design that would last over time, rather than a ‘trendy’ one that wouldn’t. Also, as per my guide, I’ve looked for second hand options but haven’t been successful (not my size, not the right fit, not classic enough, too worn etc).

So when these classic brown boots from Swedish brand Kavat popped up in the Adisgladis sale, I went for it as I felt it was a good sustainable footwear match.

sustainable footwear

The boots have been consciously made without chemicals and Kavat is a brand with good sustainability, social and environmental credentials. Sustainable footwear and good quality shoes that can last a life-time is what the company aims for includes good tips on how to look after your shoes on its website. So I’ll look after them well and hopefully won’t have to buy another pair of winter boots for a very long time.

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