Setting up a slow fashion challenge for the year

How do we best reach our goals? Are we disciplined enough to just self-monitor or do we need to also set ourselves challenges? I would probably say that even the super disciplined could do with a challenge every now and then, to push limits and keep an open mind.

When it comes to fashion in particular, and my goal of being a conscious consumer, I have decided to take on the 2018 Slow Fashion Challenge, introduced by Swedish slow fashion advocate Johanna Nilsson.

I haven’t done much shopping over the last couple of years, especially not since watching The True Cost a few years back. And as I’ve almost stopped shopping for clothes, the urge to do so has also, maybe not stopped, but definitely decreased. And I don’t aim to do anything to get this urge back in 2018. As part of my resolutions for the year I have committed to limited and conscious purchases but I figured, sticking to a challenge would hopefully, not just help me, but encourage me to perhaps consider things I haven’t previously considered.

Johanna’s Slow Fashion Challenge encourages you to take on a new challenge each month to explore the concept of slow fashion and create a sustainable wardrobe. And the January challenge is all about setting goals for the year. Overall this year, my aim is to consider the concept of slow fashion. Not rushing to buy things. Instead, taking a step back, consider whether I really need it, if it’s something I’ll use 30 times or more, and how and by whom it was made. Each purchase should be a conscious decision.

Slow fashion goals for the year

In addition to the above mentioned overall goal, the additional goals I’m setting as part of the challenge are:

Only buying new items when I’ve recognised that there is something missing in my wardrobe. Last year’s decluttering and wardrobe audits made it clear that I for example would like to have a better selection of work-appropriate trousers, so this is something I’ll be on the look-out for this year.

When buying new items, buying second hand where possible, and if brand new, aspiring towards sustainable and ethical fashion, where sustainable materials have been used and fair working conditions have been applied to the making of the item.

As I did a lot of decluttering and clearing out of clothes last year, a key aim for this year is instead to make more of what I have and be more creative, using what’s left in the wardrobe.

Getting better at looking after my clothes in an eco friendly way: airing them on the balcony or using clothes mist instead of washing; using a wool brush and other tools to care for them; repairing them when needed. I have a small walk-in closet but am lucky enough to have a window in there so I will remember to open it to air all the clothes every now and then, and when it’s closed the reed diffuser will also help with a nice, fresh smell!

Are you ready for a challenge or have you got other ideas of how to become a more conscious consumer in 2018?

2 thoughts on “Setting up a slow fashion challenge for the year

  1. Så kloka och fina mål! Och ska bli så kul att vi nu är (är helt överväldigad av peppen!) är rätt många som tillsammans kör – min förhoppning är just detta: att kunna inspirera, pusha och också utbyta tankar och erfarenheter med varandra under året som går! TACK för att du är med och också skriver så fint om det! <3

    1. Tack! Håller med, en utmaning som man gör tillsammans med andra kan ju ha ännu större påverkan, speciellt när det gäller något som detta, då man kan ta sin resa mot en hållbar garderob till helt nya nivåer när man kan utbyta tips och tankar med andra 🙂

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