Setting goals rather than rules for the new year

A new year means different things to all of us. Some may feel that time moves too quickly and some see it as the most inspiring moment to start over. However you feel about it, reflecting on the year that’s passed as a means to look forward to the next one, is most definitely a good thing if you focus on the positive bits. You may have learnt from things that didn’t go very well, but don’t dwell on the past. Remember the highlights and start building from there.

To me, a new year usually brings excitement about what’s to come. I love start filling in a new diary, and I like the idea of being able to set a theme for the year. Whether that’s for the new year to be the year of change, the year of fun, the year of calming down and doing less, or the year of just being you.

My 2018 reflections have given me quite a clear plan on where I want to go in 2019 and I’m setting up goals rather than resolutions. Not rules that I must follow to avoid punishment, but ideas for how to make 2019 bigger and better than 2018.

Because 2018 has been a good year, and one of settling in and trying to figure out what I’m doing following big changes in 2017. It was about settling in to the new flat, my job, and Sweden. And about developing my conscious journey. I now feel quite clear on where I’m going and 2018’s climate reports gave us clear indications on what we need to be doing on a global scale. I’m hoping that 2019 will be the year of action and stepping up with what was started in 2018, not just for me personally, but worldwide.

Guidance, not rules

In this increasingly polarised world I’m often struggling with the unnecessary anger and complaining people are throwing at each other. Social media most definitely has a role in this as it’s so much easier to just throw a comment out there rather than standing up for it by speaking to someone in real life. And this often leads to criticism rather than encouragement. Accusing someone of doing something bad rather than celebrating something good.

New Year’s resolutions or whatever you want to call them should stem from the positive. Not focusing on the bad you may be doing or setting strict rules. But being used to guide you to be even better and encourage you to continue the things that make you happy. Not feeling guilty about not being perfect but being happy with the steps you are taking on your own journey.

Goals for a better me and a better planet

I feel I made some good progress on my conscious journey last year and I want to continue building on this over the next year. To be more mindful of how my actions affect the environment as well as my own happiness. As a guide, I’ve listed a few things I want to focus on in 2019.

Consume less. I bought way less during the second half of 2018 than the first half (mainly because of us decorating the flat over the first few months) and I want to continue this. Only buying things I definitely need, or if something needs replacing. I read somewhere that 2019 should be less about recycling and more about reducing and I definitely agree.

Consume consciously. When buying anything, I will aim to buy second hand if possible and if not, then another sustainable option, ideally from a small, independent shop. During one of last year’s wardrobe audits I created a list of things I feel my wardrobe is missing and I will stick to this list if buying anything. And I have started on a similar list for things other than clothes to ensure I only buy things I actually need or feel I need to add to the flat – like more art for example – rather than impulse buying unnecessary things. If it’s not on the list, I don’t buy it.

Plan outfits. This was a goal for 2018 but I failed. Barely planned a single outfit all year. So I’m giving myself another chance. To save time in the mornings but mainly to avoid only wearing whatever I find first and instead get excited about the clothes I have. Be more creative and do more fun style challenges to make the most of my wardrobe (and to avoid feeling like I need to buy new things). This also includes continuing to looking after my clothes and using the steamer I got as a Christmas present to prepare clothes to be worn.

Be money-wise. As I plan to buy less stuff, my aim is to use my money more wisely and to save more and invest in good things. There are some really interesting investment initiatives like Trine (solar) and Agrikaab (small-scale farming) where no huge investments are needed so good for us with only a tiny bit of money we can invest (but a will to do something good in the world on a small budget).

Self care. This is also related to money as I’m hoping to (when shopping less) be able to spend more on things that make me happy, like going out for a nice meal or enjoying some culture, or having semi-regular massages. But it’s also about those things that don’t require any money at all, like outdoor walks, taking a bath, or relaxing at home with a book. Which leads to my next point…

Decrease screen time. I started thinking about this quite a bit in 2018 as my boyfriend and I are both terrible at shutting off the laptop to stop working or leaving the phone in the evening. But I will work much harder on this in 2019. Leaving the phone on a shelf in our hallway in the evenings, having digital detox weekends (ideally once a month), and increasing screen-free activities. More exercise, more walks, and be more creative with screen-less activities at home rather than reverting to a screen.

Read and learn. With less screen time I’m hoping to be able to read more books, especially to continue learning more about things I’m interested in. Like sustainability, anthropology, slow living. One practical (and sustainable and money-saving) step will be to join the library so that I can borrow rather than buy books. I will also explore more creative ways of learning, like joining a study group.

Write more. I love writing and always have but this year I want to make a conscious effort of making more of my writing. Creative writing, opinionated writing. I don’t have a definite plan for this but a first step will be to explore journalling.

Vegetarian cooking. I’ve mainly been eating vegetarian food for years now but I want to be more creative with what I cook and eat. Getting better at cooking from new recipes, and also making extra food so I can bring a lunch box in to work the next day. Trying more vegan options is also an aim for this year. As is getting better at knowing what vegetables are in season. And to make more use of food waste innovations like Karma and Matsmart that help you get hold of food that would otherwise go to waste.

I feel positive about the new year and I’m excited about continuing with the above as well as exploring new ways of living more consciously. What will you be doing in 2019?

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