The modern approach to second hand shopping

Arkivet second hand

Being a more conscious consumer means doing more research and asking questions before buying a product to see whether it fits your criteria based on things like ethical production, eco-friendly materials, and good quality. But it also means asking whether you need it at all or whether you can find it somewhere else, without having to buy it new.

Buying second hand is the best option for sustainable shopping as you buy things that already exist, you increase their lifetime use, and you stop it from ending up in landfill. But second hand means to many just that, second hand. The next best thing. Someone else’s unwanted things. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea and many get put off when seeing old, sometimes broken items in shops that potentially keep a lower standard when selecting pieces to sell. A shame as buying second hand is such an easy way for us all to be sustainable shoppers and there is usually something for everyone. It’s had a revival though with shops calling it vintage instead, giving it a more exclusive feel, and with online resale increasing through trendy websites and easy-to-use apps. Shoppers are staying on the sofa, shopping in the evening with a glass of wine, on their mobile phones.

The fashion resale industry (online and offline) is a $18 billion industry according to a 2017 report by thredUP and its expected market size in 2021 is $33 billion so it’s definitely on the up, at the same time as traditional retail is struggling. Millennials and women 65+ are most likely to shop second hand, with millennials being the generation most likely to do so because of environmental reasons. There’s also an excitement with not knowing what you’ll find and importantly, you’ll save money when not buying something brand new.

The benefits are many and those in the industry should continue pushing them whilst also ensuring they keep a high standard of the items they sell to avoid people being put off by poor quality.

Since moving to Stockholm I’ve been exploring various sustainable places to shop and have found the brilliant second hand shop Arkivet that caters for those who are after the latest trends with pretty much unworn pieces by the trendiest brand, a great alternative to those that don’t fancy the traditional  second hand shops with older clothing. Arkivet feels like a modern approach to second hand, one that makes the most of the circular economy and stays on trend.


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